Google compromete-se a melhorar estes serviços na Europa

A gigante norte-americana Google concordou em fornecer informação mais clara e precisa nos conteúdos disponíveis através da sua loja oficial, a Google Store. As alterações surtirão efeito também em serviços como a Google Play Store, Google Hotels e Google Flights a operar na Europa.
O entendimento entre a Comissão Europeia e a tecnológica norte-americana foi anunciado em comunicado, com ambas as partes a reconhecer o mérito de tais alterações. Mais transparência na informação apresentada em todas as plataformas da Google.
Na prática, o utilizador dos serviços Google saberá quando a empresa atua como uma intermediária nas vendas e ofertas de serviços, ou quando os disponibiliza diretamente. Teremos mais informações sobre as entregas, prazo de expedição, devolução e assistência pós-venda em todo e qualquer produto nas plataformas Google.
Sucintamente, a Google vem agora concordar e aplicar as disposições legais que já têm sido promovidas na Europa desde pelo menos 2021. Porém, só agora é que a tecnológica norte-americana anuiu às imposições europeias.
Note-se que desde então a tecnológica norte-americana tem dialogado com organismos comunitários de proteção ao cliente como é o caso da Consumer Protection Cooperation Network (CPC).
Assim, tal como versa no comunicado agora divulgado, “Os consumidores europeus têm direito à informação clara, completa e concisa para poderem formar um bom juízo de compra“. Esta é a opinião de Didier Reynders, comissário europeu com a pasta da justiça desde 2019.
Clarificação sobre preços, práticas concorrenciais e promoções nas plataformas Google
A gigante norte-americana Google concordou em fornecer informação mais clara e precisa nos conteúdos disponíveis através da sua loja oficial, a Google Store. As alterações surtirão efeito também em serviços como a Google Play Store, Google Hotels e Google Flights a operar na Europa.
O entendimento entre a Comissão Europeia e a tecnológica norte-americana foi anunciado em comunicado, com ambas as partes a reconhecer o mérito de tais alterações. Mais transparência na informação apresentada em todas as plataformas da Google.
Informação clara e precisa em todos os serviços e plataformas Google
Na prática, o utilizador dos serviços Google saberá quando a empresa atua como uma intermediária nas vendas e ofertas de serviços, ou quando os disponibiliza diretamente. Teremos mais informações sobre as entregas, prazo de expedição, devolução e assistência pós-venda em todo e qualquer produto nas plataformas Google.
Sucintamente, a Google vem agora concordar e aplicar as disposições legais que já têm sido promovidas na Europa desde pelo menos 2021. Porém, só agora é que a tecnológica norte-americana anuiu às imposições europeias.
Note-se que desde então a tecnológica norte-americana tem dialogado com organismos comunitários de proteção ao cliente como é o caso da Consumer Protection Cooperation Network (CPC).
Assim, tal como versa no comunicado agora divulgado, “Os consumidores europeus têm direito à informação clara, completa e concisa para poderem formar um bom juízo de compra“. Esta é a opinião de Didier Reynders, comissário europeu com a pasta da justiça desde 2019.
Clarificação sobre preços, práticas concorrenciais e promoções nas plataformas Google
Em suma, o consumidor europeu saberá se a Google vende diretamente um serviço, ou a operar como intermediária. Poderão assim notar diferenças nos conteúdos apresentados, por exemplo, no serviço Google Flights, bem como no Google Hotels muito em breve.
Adicionalmente, também terão que dar a conhecer qual o valor de referência para um determinado bem ou serviço sobre o, qual está agora aplicada uma promoção. Ou seja, para acabar com as hipérboles, as promoções e entregar informação precisa.
Fim do geo blocking praticado na Google Play Store
Por fim, teremos também mudanças na própria Google Play Store e na Google Store. O utilizador e consumidor terá “informação pré-contratual” mais clara nos preços, tempos de entrega e expedição de bens, além das possibilidades de entrega ou substituição.
Há ainda a obrigatoriedade de acabar com a restrição de conteúdos com base na localização dentro do espaço europeu. Algo que continua a ir contra as disposições comunitárias e a violar princípios do mercado único europeu.
Por outras palavras, acabar com o geo blocking, prática censurada pela União Europeia, mas ainda praticada pela Google.
Які існують методики блефаропластики нижніх повік? до нас на прийом зателефонувавши, Блефаропластику нижніх повік проводять, щоб прибрати мішки під очима, провисання повіки та інші дефекти. У результаті проведеної операції можна позбутися нависаючої шкіри над верхньою повікою, видимих темних синців під очима. Після блефаропластики погляд стає більш виразним і відкритим, що істотно зменшує “видимий” вік пацієнта. Операція є малотравматичною. З побічних ефектів можлива в деяких випадках невелика набряклість, неприємні відчуття в області очей, синці, однак все це швидко проходить. Оцінити результат блефаропластики повністю можна буде через 2-3 місяці – за цей час шви повністю загоюються, повіки приймають бажану природню форму.
Звертайтеся у пункт невідкладної допомоги поза звичайним робочим часом лікарів, тобто увечері або у вихідні. Пункти невідкладної допомоги, як правило, знаходиться в лікарнях. ВІДГУКИ НАШИХ ПАЦІЄНТІВ Висока кваліфікація. Наш лікар-хірург Світлана Анатоліївна, має більш ніж 11-річний стаж, величезний практичний досвід. Вона професіонал з великої літери, ввічлива, чуйна і завжди допоможе вирішити проблему зі здоров’ям. Зверніться безпосередньо до аптеки чи іншого підприємства, щоб отримати засіб медичної допомоги за свій рахунок, або, якщо Ви застраховані обов’язковим медичним страхуванням – до сімейного лікаря, який видасть направлення чи рецепт. Потім за направленням або рецептом від лікаря зверніться в підприємство, що займається продажем та має договір із лікарняною касою, чи в аптеку.
Incidentally, if you are a Mac user it seems that RIM, Verizon and Vodafone would prefer that you didn’t buy this phone. Updates are achieved, not Over The Air, but online via the desktop only through the Windows version of BlackBerry Tools or by downloading a Windows executable file using Internet Explorer only. There is no Mac or OTA alternative. That is also true of the Bold. Oh well. At least Vodafone offers an option whereby you can drop off a phone for upgrade at one of their stores. Though after you’ve spent a few days with the blasted thing, an option whereby you can drop it off one their roofs for destruction will strike you as preferable. For the rest, the camera is 3.2 MP rather than the 2MP offered by Bold and iPhone and the pictures, still and moving, are of high quality. The media browser works well too.
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tampa has closed to all non-registered hotel guests, as Hurricane Ian nears landfall in Florida. “Clearly, we want to use this occasion as a celebration of our successes and accomplishments,” Bonner said. “But, more importantly, we want to give back to show we are extremely grateful for the overwhelming support from the Tampa Bay community throughout all of these years.” TAMPA, Fla. — The Seminole Tribe of Florida announced plans last week to move forward with in-person sports betting, along with other casino games. The Seminoles maintain a monopoly on Las Vegas-style casino gambling in the Sunshine State. Along with Hard Rock Tampa, the tribe owns and operates Seminole Casino Immokalee on the Gulf of Mexico side of the state.
You can see some of my previous picks for best foundations for mature skin in 2020 here on my blog => This is one of my all time most popular posts. WHO IT’S FORSpecifically created for mature skin, L’Oreal Paris Age Perfect Radiant Serum has racked up more than 2,000 five-star reviews on Ulta, many of which praise the formula for its ability to avoid settling into lines, provide lasting hydration, and even skin tone. “This foundation serum offers a natural glow and adequate sun protection with SPF 50. It gives a medium coverage without any heavy feel. It mixes comfortably with moisturizers for a minimalist approach. It enhances the skin without overpowering it or completely masking it.” Crow’s-feet and dark circles are two common skin concerns when it comes to the undereye area, but with the right techniques people won’t even know you’ve got them. “Avoid thick, drying concealers as they bring out lines,” says Barose. “When it comes to undereye concealer, you need a formula that will give you coverage but without looking cakey or dry, which emphasizes fine lines.
British Essentials™ is an Award Winning Online Supermarket delivering British Brands Worldwide. MPM Imports Ltd. With the Loreal Volume Million Lashes mascara you will get a most impressive look, with more volume, more intense and dense. There will be comparison post on these 3 L’Oreal mascaras – False Lash Telescopic, False Lash Butterfly Wings and Volume Million Lashes coming soon so stay tuned! Our one-and-only Volume Million Lashes classic mascara is back with a formula enriched with caring oils. This mascara richly coats every lash. It does what the packaging says it would do: volumize and separate. The Millionizer brush has a multitude of bristles to help comb and achieve that lash separation effect. This is probably the most bristles we’ve encountered in any mascara wand (it looks like a centipede, but is flexible enough to swipe each lash with a good solid coating that lasts throughout the day).
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Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Contact | Site Map Whether you’re new to poker or simply new to playing poker online, No Deposit Poker offers a chance to get your first online hands in for no money out of your own pocket. Ми пропонуємо формат Snap – швидкий покер, де ви будете мчати ігровим процесом від однієї руки-роздачі до іншої, не чекаючи ані хвилини. Таким чином, ви зможете зіграти більше рук-роздач за менший час, не втрачаючи при цьому нагоди! Mahjong is a traditional game established in China about 100 years ago. Classic mahjong was played with 144 mahjong tiles and four players. It is a social game that allows friends and family to get together and have fun. The online mahjong rules are simple — match identical mahjong tiles that are not covered, and free from sides. Any special tiles such as flower tiles and season tiles can be matched. You can learn more about scoring and how to play mahjong by clicking the question mark in the upper-right corner of the mahjong games. You will want to challenge yourself by matching the tiles quickly because the game is timed. Best of all: You can play mahjong online — no download needed!
Golden Goddess. The progressive jackpot can occur on one of 50 pay lines with 94.75% RTP. Cleopatra. It provides you 25 pay lines with a progressive jackpot. Online pokies are loved by gamblers because they provide the ability to play for free. Slot machines genre allows playing using gratis money or spins and demo versions. Those who prefer playing for real money allow win big money quickly. Bally’s Quick Hit Platinum has an RTP of 94.06%, which is reasonably high for a casino slot game. But what does this number mean, anyway? The Return-to-Player percentage is simply a calculated estimate of how much of the money that goes into the machine goes back out to players. This calculation is based on the gameplay of all players, so it doesn’t mean that you can only get 94.06% of your own money back. You could be the one to win big!
Click on below button to start GameMaker Studio Ultimate Free Download. This is complete offline installer and standalone setup for GameMaker Studio Ultimate This would be working perfectly fine with compatible version of Windows. If you are planning to teach courses that require GameMaker Studio 2, licenses can be purchased from Studica. – GameMaker: Studio requires DirectX version 9.0 or later to be installed on your computer. (You can download this version of DirectX from the Microsoft website) When designing and testing games, the memory requirements can be pretty high (at least 128 MB and preferably more, but this depends on the operating system). When just running games, the memory requirements are less severe and depend a lot on the type of game as well as the resources being used.
Vaseline effectively achieves healthier-looking eyelashes by working as a moisturizer, but it can’t help in growing your eyelashes longer or faster. There are two types of castor oils that are great for longer eyelashes and thicker eyebrows. The most common type is regular cold pressed castor oil that has a pale color and a mild aroma. The other type of castor oil that is very popular for eyebrow and eyelash growth is the much darker Jamaican black castor oil (JBCO). I use this one the most, but alternate between the two. I think it comes down to personal preferences which one you use. It’s important though to buy castor oil that is 100% pure and that is hexane-free. Also, only one medication, Latisse (bimatoprost), has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) to enhance eyelash growth. It is a topical treatment that can even lengthen and darken your lashes. Ask your doctor if you can use any of the home remedies or should take Latisse.
Our Luxury velvet cosmetic bag is very CHIC and a must-have for your makeup accessories or other belongings; it has a large storage capacity. Choosing the right material for your designer cosmetic bag can make a serious difference in how it looks in ten years. The best designer cosmetic bags are made with nylon and canvas, because they tend to be more durable than leather. That said, having a cosmetic bag with grained, coated leather can be just as hard-wearing if taken care of properly. Crossbodies All Accessories Hair Growth Serums, Explained Follow Kara on Instagram at Hair Growth Serums, Explained Why It’s Worth It: Lululemon’s Go Getter Pouch is among our favorites for its versatility, water-repellent fabric, and easy-to-clean exterior. Though the pouch looks small at first glance, we swear its spacious main compartment easily holds all your essentials. Use it as your everyday makeup bag, a toiletry organizer for travel-friendly skin care, or a petite clutch for days you want to travel light.
We all know what lack of sleep can do to the eye area. Pro Tip: Put your Gua Sha or Jade Roller in the fridge the night before. After applying eye cream, use the cool stone over the eye area to reduce puffiness. Niacinamide and zinc are safe and can be effective for anti-inflammatory anti-acne care. Sadly, I did NOT get that pregnancy glow for EITHER of my pregnancies. Instead, I got hormornal acne! Ugh! Here’s what I used to combat my newfound acne woes: Concentrated actives that are kind to skin with no compromise on performance. Blend with your Pai moisturiser or serum, oil, SPF, body cream….you decide! While we follow the recommendations provided by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and always recommend checking with your OBGYN before adding a new product or treatment to your regimen, there are several products and treatments that are generally considered pregnancy safe that we are excited to tell you about.
We asked, you answered, we awarded. Now, check out the rest of our 2022 Readers' Choice Award winners. Canmake Lasting Multi Eyebase WP, $6.63 BUY HERE } Style The pen would dry out soon if you do not use it with care. So, do not keep it open under the fan or air for a long time. When you store the eyeliner pen, store it upright (the felt tip facing downwards) and that will help in keeping the eyeliner from drying out. Things you buy through our links may earn New York a commission The highly coveted Fenty Beauty Exclusive Drop Box is back, and better than ever. If you’re new to the Fenty Exclusive Drop Boxes, they’re one-off beauty boxes, offering fantastic value for money, and without fail, they sell out exceptionally fast every time. So, if you’d like to find out all about the latest Fenty Beauty box, keep on reading…
Another exciting way to experience this apocalypse scenario is online with friends. Check out Zombs Royale or Zombie Hunters Online for some top-down zombie-slaying mayhem. Surviving against hordes of zombies can be a fun challenge. Anyone who has played Minecraft can attest that Creepers share a lot in common with zombies. Paper Minecraft is great for the classic survival experience in 2D. Release Date: 26 August 2021 , Platform: Web browser (Desktop and Mobile) Forper1000 You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. You will play through multiple locations and time periods in history, starting off with Day 1 in Ancient Egypt. In all the levels, protect yourself and your base from the waves of zombies attacking you, and do that by sending out plant soldiers to protect it.
What is Miley Stewart’s day life? What the girl is she until she hasn’t turned into Hannah Montana? In this dress up game you ca… This site is dedicated to promoting board games. Through extensive research, we bring everything you need to know about board games. What is Miley Stewart’s day life? What the girl is she until she hasn’t turned into Hannah Montana? In this dress up game you ca… In this card game, each of the players is given a certain amount of caption cards, after which a photo card is set down. Looking at the photo card, each player would have to respond accordingly with a caption card. The host of the game will get to choose the funniest “meme” created. Papa’s Cupcakeria Game The game is for all the mystery lovers out there. You would need five people to play this game. The host of the game will draw five cards from the deck, with four black and one red. The cards will be shuffled, and each person gets to pick out one card. The one who has the red card will be the “killer.”